Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

0211 = 012 (nuellzwoelf gleich nullzwoelf)


This blog will undergo some major changes in the coming weeks:

- english will be the new lingua franca
- english will be the new lingua james franco.
- I will post more often but shorter... posts? tweets? updates?
- I will not be very careful with capitalization or grammar so don't correct me.
- I will start posting photos!
- Maybe even movies!
- I will post deeply inimate shit. This will become my emotional Wikileaks. I won't name names though. Don't wanna get sued. Again.
- I will post deeply disgusting and/or weird shit as well. Whatever is on my mind.

There will be more changes but that's it for now.

Why these changes? Because I have changed and I want to climb out of this shell of a life in order to experience things that I have kept from myself voluntarily. And also because I fucking hate posting important things on bloody facebook. Fuck Mark Zuckerberg. Long live Charline JaBukowski.

Hope you enjoy it.

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